Welcome to the Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program

Restore Bladder Control in Just 3 Weeks!

...because peeing your pants is embarrassing!

See if you qualify!

We specialize in the treatment of leaky bladders, urinary incontinence, and MORE–for both men and women.

The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program combines the wisdom of acupuncture channel theory with the ingenuity of modern science. 

See if you qualify!

How we can help you restore confidence, get your freedom back and improve your quality of life...


➤ Stop Leaks Now
➤ Restore Bladder  Control
Improve  Bowel  Function
➤ Reduce or Eliminate the Use of Pads
➤ Treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse

➤ Improve Sexual Sensitivity and Functionality
➤ Reduce Lumbar Pain

See if you qualify!

I am Dr. Kimberly Thompson, specializing in the treatment of patients in the 55 and up community. As a member of this "golden years" club, I am passionate about helping our patients live life BETTER. Pelvic floor health is one of my key focuses.

At Meridian Family Acupuncture our mission is to help you enjoy each stage of life with dignity. 

See if you qualify!

The Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program

Our program combines the wisdom of Acupuncture Channel Theory with modern science to strengthen and re-educate the pelvic floor muscles, allowing you to live your life BETTER.

Pelvic Floor Restoration

In a short 30-minute session, we harness the power of Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) and Passive Fitness (PF) to comfortably induce 25,000 pelvic floor muscle contractions. You don’t have to do the work—science does it for you. Each muscle contraction is designed to create a perfect, powerful Kegel.

See if you qualify!
BBB Features 600 x 400 (600 x 400 px)

It sounds too good to be true, right? 

Modern scientific breakthroughs  are magnificent! We have an incredible solution for bladder control that previous generations couldn't have imagined.

And let's be honest, we aren't going down easy! Those of us in this generation of the 55 and up community are seeking help for: 

Bladder Control
Prostate Health
Erectile Dysfunction

If there are modern solutions out there  that work, we are going to utilize them!

See if you qualify!

The Future is NOW!

One 30 minute session is equal to 25,000 Kegel Exercises!

Let's do the math...

Our signature Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program  is a simple  three-week  program. During that time, your pelvic floor  will experience 150,000  non-invasive passive fitness Kegel exercises. Wow, right???

If you were completely disciplined,  knew exactly how to do a proper Kegel exercise, and did 50 "perfect" Kegel exercises every single day–it would take you more than 8 years to accomplish what our new science-based Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder ™ Program can do in just three weeks. 

See if you qualify!

Here's a quick overview of the Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program...

BBB Features 600 x 400 (600 x 400 px)-3

✔︎ Non Invasive–no needles, no surgery
✔︎ Painless
✔︎ No down time, no side effects
✔︎ FDA Approved for Urinary Incontinence
✔︎ Effective for Both Men and Women
✔︎ Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS)
 ✔︎ Passive Fitness (PF)
✔︎ High Intensity  Focused Electromagnetic Technology (HIFEM)
✔︎ Convenient and Comfortable

It's Bladder Control and MORE...

Incontinence for...
Men AND Women

  • FDA Approved
  • Bladder Leaks
  • Stress Incontinence
  • Urinary Urgency
  • Urinary Frequency
  • Bowel Incontinence
For Women

Conditions in relation to pregnancy, obesity, aging, and menopause...

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Painful Sex
  • Enhanced Sexual Intimacy
  • Enhanced Sexual Sensation

For Men
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Prostate Health
  • Painful Urination due to enlarged prostate
  • Recovery Post Prostatectomy
  • Dry Ejaculation (in relation to fertility)
Passive Fitness 
  • Core Muscle Therapy
  • Increased Muscle Tone
  • Elimination of Fat
  • Chronic Lumbar Pain 
See if you qualify!

The Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™

Restore bladder control in as little as three weeks...

Boise Better Bladder™ Tune-Up


➤You will receive ONE 30 minute tune-up treatment.

We typically recommend a pelvic floor tune-up six months after your initial treatment program (or as needed for more severe bladder control issues). 

This is ONLY for patients who have already completed one of our Boise Better Bladder™ programs. 

Most popular

Boise Better Bladder™ Signature Program


➤You will receive SIX treatments–to be used twice weekly over a three week period. 

➤Plus ONE maintenance treatment to be used within the first six months of purchase. 

This program is designed for patients with mild to moderate bladder control issues. Perhaps you have coughing, sneezing, laughing lead to leaking!

ELITE Boise Better Bladder™ Program


➤Six treatments–to be used twice weekly over a three week period. ($2850)

➤TWO maintenance treatments to be used within six months of purchase. 

➤Customized Frequency Specific Microcurrent at home treatment during your three week program. (Valued at $600)

**Customization will depend on your diagnosis–including but not limited to bladder control, prostate, nerve function, etc.

This program is developed for patients who have more extreme bladder control issues. 

See if you qualify!

The Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program can only be found at Meridian Family Acupuncture. 


 **Some limitations apply in relation to Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS).

Click below to answer a quick questionnaire to find out which of our bladder programs will be a  good fit for you. 

BBB Features 400 x 400-10
See if you qualify!

Clinical Studies...

Welcome to the 21st century! We live in a modern world, with amazing technology to help us live longer, and improve our quality of life.

Our Freedom+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program is founded on scientific research, which is FDA approved for urinary incontinence. The research goes far beyond bladder control alone. 

Studies include clinical research on the following subjects: 

  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Reduction in Pad Usage
  • Enhanced Quality of Life
  • Improve Ejaculation
  • Strengthen Pelvic Floor Muscles
  • More Frequent Orgasms
  • Increased Sexual Desire

Click below to read about the clinical studies done regarding Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS), Neuromodulation,  and non-invasive High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic  technology (HIFEM), 

Neuromodulation and FMS
Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) is a gentle and non-invasive way to help improve bladder control. Here’s how it works:

  1. Magnetic Fields: A special device creates magnetic fields that pass through your body without touching your skin.
  2. Stimulates Nerves and Muscles: These magnetic fields activate the nerves and muscles in your pelvic area that control your bladder. This helps strengthen and improve their function.
  3. Better Bladder Control: By stimulating these nerves, FMS helps regulate bladder activity. This can be very helpful for people who have trouble controlling their bladder.
  4. Easy Treatment: You simply sit in a special chair that has the magnetic stimulation device built into it. The treatment is quick and easy, with no pain or surgery involved.
  5. Effective Results: FMS helps reset the communication between your brain and bladder, reducing overactive bladder symptoms and improving bladder function overall.

After the sixth session, 61 out of 75 patients (81.33%) reported significant reduction of their symptoms. The average improvement of 49.93% in ICIQ‐SF score was observed after the sixth treatment, which further increased to 64.42% at the follow‐up. Individually, the highest level of improvement was reached in patients suffering from mixed urinary incontinence (69.90%).

  • The reduction of absorbent pads averaged 43.80% after the sixth treatment and 53.68% at 3 months.
  • While almost 70% of patients (30 out of 43) reported decreased number of used pads.
  • A substantial decrease in the frequency of urine leakage triggers was documented. Patients reported no pain, downtime or adverse events
  • Also reported additional beneficial effects of the therapy such as increased sexual desire and better urination control.

Method: 30 women (average age 36.41 ± 5.62) with limited arousal, ability to achieve orgasm and painful intercourse participated in the study.

Patients underwent 6 treatments (28 minutes each) scheduled twice a week.
Standardized Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire was used pre-, post-treatment. Subsequently, Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated for sections

  • Lubrication/orgasm
  • Orgasm/ satisfaction
  • Pain/desire.

Results: The average total FSFI score significantly increased from 20.06 ± 6.55 to 30.69 ± 7.55 posttreatment and to 30.29 ± 7.37 during the 3-month follow-up.

A significant improvement was observed in all FSFI sections. The most significant change at the 3-month follow-up was observed in

  • Desire (76%),
  • Satisfaction (76%)
  • Orgasm (60%)
  • The overall FSFI score was improved in 93% (n=28) of patients post-treatment.
  • All patients (n=30; 100%) showed improvement during the 3-month follow-up.

Conclusion: Our initial experience shows that HIFEM technology is a promising method in addressing women's decreased sexual satisfaction through the strengthening of PFM.

Methods: We looked at the effects of HIFEM on ejaculation, erectile function, and urination. Our IRB-approved protocol was one 28 minutes pelvic floor treatment per week for 4 weeks. At baseline, end of treatment, and one month post-treatment, the patient completed questionnaire created specifically for this study to investigate patient-reported aspects of:

  • Orgasm
  • Including volume
  • Force
  • Duration
  • Intensity of ejaculation

Conclusions: We conclude that the HIFEM boosts the strength of the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscle and the pelvic floor resulting in an increase in volume, force, duration and intensity of ejaculation. In addition, there was a six-point increase in IIEF-15 score. The results indicate that pelvic HIFEM potentially improves ejaculation.



Pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) weakening and urinary incontinence (UI) represent health issues that have a negative impact on daily life. This study compares the immediate efficiency of high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) therapy and electrostimulation for the treatment of weakened PFMs, accompanied by the UI.


Ninety-five parous women were considered for the study. Symptomatic patients received either HIFEM or electrostimulation treatment. Treated patients completed 10 therapies scheduled 2 to 3 times per week (HIFEM) or every other day (electrostimulation). Patients underwent examination by 3-dimensional transperienal ultrasound at the baseline and posttreatments. Levator-urethra gap, anteroposterior diameter, laterolateral diameter of levator hiatus, and hiatal area were measured. In addition, Pelvic Floor Disability Index 20 questionnaire and subjective evaluation of patient’s intimate health were assessed.


Enrolled patients were divided into group I (n = 50, HIFEM), group II (n = 25, electrostimulation), and group III (n = 20, control) according the indication and treatment modality. Three-dimensional ultrasounds showed positive changes in dynamics of the pelvic floor posttreatment (decreased anteroposterior diameter, laterolateral diameter, and hiatal area). However, the significant (P < 0.05) changes of pelvic floor integrity were observed only in group I. In addition, group I achieved greater level of improvement in Pelvic Floor Disability Index 20 questionnaire compared with group II (52% and 18% respectively; P < 0.001). Substantially fewer patients in group I reported urine leakage after treatments.


Results suggest that HIFEM technology is suitable for treatment of PFMs weakening and showed to be more effective when compared with electrostimulation in short-term. Therefore, we recommend HIFEM as treatment option for weakened PFMs and UI.



The pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) have an essential role in the structural support for the pelvic organs. Weakening of the PFMs, primarily due to childbirth, may lead to urinary incontinence (UI), impairment of sexual function, and possible development of female sexual dysfunction (FSD).


This multi-center study aims to investigate the long-term effectiveness of HIFEM-induced PFMs strengthening to reduce UI and improve female sexual function.


Thirty-one females (47.9±8.6 years) diagnosed with UI and FSD symptoms (FSFI baseline score <26.55) underwent a total of six HIFEM procedures. Treatments were scheduled twice a week over three weeks with five follow-up visits at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after the final treatment. The stimulation intensity was gradually set according to the patient's feedback. Standardized questionnaires evaluating UI and sexual function (ICIQ-UI SF, FSFI, and PISQ-12) and Therapy Comfort Questionnaire were administered. Due to patients’ drop-out at the last two follow-up visits (9 and 12 months), data evaluation was divided into two subgroups – patients monitored from baseline to 6 months (Group A, N=31) and from baseline to 1 year (Group B, N=17).


At baseline, the ICIQ-UI SF score showed 12.1±4.8 points (A) and 12.5±4.7 points (B) on average, referring to moderate to severe UI symptoms. The severity of UI significantly (P<0.001) decreased post-treatment, and subjects achieved the most noticeable improvement of 69.7% (A, -8.5 points) and 71.7% (B, -8.9 points) at 6-month follow-up. In both groups, patients reported lesser leakage occurrence during certain activities, especially when coughing, sneezing, or physically active. At six months, 25% of patients had no UI symptoms, as shown by the zero score from ICIQ-UI SF (A). The results of Group B indicated the maintenance of achieved outcomes up to 12 months.Two patients with no sexual activity were excluded from FSFI and PISQ-12 evaluation in both groups. FSFI baseline score indicated considerable impairment of sexual function with an average score of 18.4±5.8 points (A) and 20.4±3.5 points (B). The improvement from 7.4 to 9.4 points was noticeable immediately after the final treatment and maintained during the whole follow-up, with an insignificant decline at one month (B) and six months(A). At 12 months after the last treatment, 71.4% of patients were above the threshold for FSD as described by the FSFI. The most notable changes were seen in the following subdomains: Orgasm, Lubrication, Arousal, and Satisfaction response. Lastly, the PISQ-12 score was also continuously increasing from baseline values (28.1±5.8 and 28.9±4.3 points for Group A and B), peaking at three months (+10.2 points in Group A) while maintaining up to 12 months (+10.2 points in Group B). Patients reported higher orgasm frequency, lubrication, and increased sexual desire. Furthermore, 93.3% of subjects agreed that the therapy was comfortable, and no adverse events were documented.


Our results suggest that the HIFEM procedure considerably reduces the severity of UI. In addition, the treatment enhances female sexual function; and may result in more frequent orgasms and increased sexual desire. Outcomes showed to be maintained during the observed period.

Frequently Asked Questions

The pelvic floor muscles support the pelvic floor organs and control continence. However, natural body aging, childbirth, and menopause can cause this group of muscles to decondition, resulting in continence problems such as leaking urine when coughing or sneezing.

The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program uses High Intensity Focused ElectroMagnetic Energy (HIFEM) to stimulate and strengthen all the pelvic floor muscles, not just the subset that can be exercised with voluntary contractions (Kegel exercises). These stronger pelvic floor muscles restore continence and the confidence to enjoy normal daily activities without fear of losing bladder control.

During each 28-minute session, you sit comfortably on the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program chair while it generates thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions. 

Each session is equivalent to doing up to 25,000 pelvic floor exercises, but without the hard work!

The procedure is non-invasive, and you remain fully clothed throughout. No drugs are required, and the most you will feel is a slight tingling during the treatment. With no recovery time needed, you can leave immediately after each session and resume your normal daily activities.

The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program repairs and tightens the pelvic floor, helping men and women to regain bladder control. Strengthened pelvic floor muscles improve women's sexual satisfaction and their ability to achieve orgasm.

Your exact treatment plan will be tailored to your needs. For optimum results, most people need a course of six sessions, with two sessions per week over a period of three weeks. Most clients start seeing and feeling results after just two or three treatment sessions.

In extreme cases, further sessions are required, but otherwise, a maintenance session every three to twelve months is enough.

Most people see and feel results after just two or three treatment sessions. Mild signs and sensations may be noticeable after your first session, but it will take several sessions before you begin to observe the full effect on your symptoms.

Men can also suffer from incontinence and pelvic floor weakness. 

Pelvic surgeries such as prostatectomy or bladder surgery, in particular, can cause incontinence or erectile dysfunction. Incontinence in Men typically present with a small amount of dribbling during workouts or at the end of the day.

Chronic cough or high impact work or exercise regimens can put pressure on the bladder and lead to stress incontinence. The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program is less likely to be successful if incontinence follows pelvic radiation treatment for cancer.

Some men suffer from urge incontinence–a need to urinate frequently or dribble when the bladder is full–The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program can help improve symptoms.

Treatment with The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program can lead to increased sensitivity during sexual intercourse and possibly offer relief from erectile dysfunction.

How long the effects of your treatment last depend on the severity of your symptoms at the start. Most people will notice a positive effect on their symptoms for up to one year.

Treatment sessions are approximately 30 minutes long, and the procedure is not at all painful. You can either bring a friend or family member along to chat with during the treatment or read a book or magazine if you prefer (no cell phone use while in treatment!).

During treatment, some clients feel the tensing and relaxing of the pelvic floor muscles, which has been described as a similar feeling to doing Kegel exercises.

It is recommended to do a single maintenance treatment 1-2 times a year. Frequency of maintenance sessions may vary from person to person. Once the strength is rebuilt in your pelvic floor, you will get to know what's ideal for you.

Metal implants are the main contraindication. You cannot use the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program if you have a cardiac pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, implanted neurostimulator, an electronic implant, metal implants such as artificial titanium joints, a copper IUD, or a drug pump.

Other contraindications include hemorrhagic conditions, anticoagulation therapy, heart disorders, cancer, or recent pelvic surgical procedures (muscle contraction may disrupt healing in the treatment area).

Pregnant or nursing women cannot undergo the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program. 

Yes!! But the Kegels you're able to do with the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program are 'supramaximal' or, in other words, much stronger and more effective than you can do on your own. 

Plus, the number of Kegels you can do in one 28-minute session of the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program would take you 70 hours to do on your own.

No, it does not hurt. You will experience the feeling of all your pelvic floor muscles contracting and maybe some tingling. There is no downtime, and you can resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

While any service will have results that vary from person to person depending on the severity of their symptoms and their unique physiology, clinical studies found that 95% of study participants reported a significant quality of life improvement, and 2/3 of participants eliminated or very significantly reduced the use of urinary incontinence pads. 

Occasionally, an individual will not see any results. Typically, this is due to an unforeseen underlying condition that affects the ability of the muscles to contract sufficiently (such as nerve damage) or due to structural issues in the pelvic girdle that cannot be addressed through pelvic floor strengthening.

While we try to carefully pre-screen all individuals to ensure they are likely to benefit, there is always a small risk of seeing no improvement.

Your cycle will require 6 appointments. Some individuals will be able to schedule twice-weekly appointments, while others will need to do them weekly instead. This will be determined at the consultation. 

You should allow at least 2 days between appointments to give your pelvic floor muscles a chance to rest in between treatments. Your appointments will last about 40 minutes total, and the time spent on the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program chair itself is exactly 28 minutes. 

We recommend avoiding treatment the few days before and the first few days during your menstrual period in order to avoid cramping.

No! You can wear your everyday clothes during treatment. We recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing.

The most important preparation step you must take prior to treatment is to attend an initial evaluation to confirm your candidacy. During this consultation, we will discuss your medical history, including any artificial joints you may have, to verify that this service will be safe for you.

Due to the non-invasive nature of this treatment, there isn't much you need to do to prepare for your appointment. 

It is extremely important that you do not wear any clothes that have metal, like zippers or buttons. It is also important that you do not wear any jewelry or accessories containing metal, like earrings or a watch. If you come in with metal accessories, they will need to be removed prior to the commencement of your session.

No. Each treatment session takes around 30 minutes to complete. There is nothing wrong with bringing in something to entertain yourself with, but a book is a much better idea than a cell phone. The MRI-like magnet may damage your cell phone's contents. 

If you don't want to bring a book, it is okay to bring Bluetooth headphones.

A good candidate for the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program is a relatively healthy adult with a desire to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. Women often seek this treatment because stress urinary incontinence (SUI) often occurs after pregnancy, especially if the baby was delivered vaginally.

Similarly, stress urinary incontinence is a common symptom of menopause.

Therapy with the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program is also usually appropriate for men and women who suffer from stress, urge, or mixed urinary incontinence due to:

➤Chronic constipation
➤Chronic coughing
➤Regular heavy lifting
➤Regular high-impact exercise

While the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program is non-invasive and appropriate for most adults, it is not appropriate for all adults who are worried about incontinence. 

It works thanks to HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) technology. This technology is akin to an MRI magnet and is not recommended for people with metal devices in their body. For example, you will be considered a poor candidate for the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program if you have a Copper IUD, Pacemaker, Plate and screws, Replaced hip joint.


  • Individuals that are pregnant or nursing.
  • Individuals with open wounds in the treatment site, inflammation/severe infection;
  • Individuals with acute pelvic infection and at risk of pelvic bleeding; patients with severe hemorrhoids; Individuals with vascular embolism; pulmonary insufficiency; anticoagulant therapy; bleeding disorders;
  • Individuals suffering from cancer; heart disease; hypertension; dementia; epilepsy; patients with malignant tumors;
  • Individuals with metal implants or electronic implants in the body; including metal IUD, Pacemaker or defibrillator; Nerve stimulator; electronic cochlea; drug pump; stent, etc.
  • For those who have had pelvic floor or pelvic surgery recently; Pelvic floor rehabilitation is recommended once you have completely recovered before starting a course of treatment. Consult your doctor to see if high intensive muscle stimulation is appropriate for you).
  • The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program should not be used over areas of the skin that lack normal sensation or on areas of new bone growth.
  • The FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program is contraindicated for individuals with Graves' disease (an autoimmune disorder that causes an overactive thyroid) or active bleeding disorders.
  • Women who are close to menstruation may find that it comes sooner or that cramping is increased or intensified with FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program sessions, therefore, we recommend scheduling around this time of the month.

Insurance providers do not cover the FREEDOM+ Boise Better Bladder™ Program. However, some private Health Spending Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts will reimburse for it; check with your providers. We are happy to provide a super-bill/receipt with treatment codes so that you can submit for reimbursement from your HSA or FSA provider. 

Conveniently located in Meridian, Idaho...

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